DARK FORCES: TRILOGY by Aris Paterakis (apatera@rsvs.ulaval.ca) (Three completely new missions-for Macintosh) 1-INSTRUCTIONS 2-STORY 3-MISSION 1: CANDIA 4-MISSION 2: WARLORD 5-MISSION 3: JUSTICE 6-EPILOGUE 7-CREDITS 8-LEGAL STUFF 1-INSTRUCTIONS -TRILOGY consists of 3 missions, CANDIA, WARLORD and JUSTICE. -All missions are brand new (from scratch). -The editor used was DFLE (see credits for details). MAC If you're having a Mac, then these missions were designed for you! The only thing you have to do is to: -Put the TRILOGY.GOB file inside your DARK FORCES DATA folder on your hard disk and -double click on it. If it doesn't open the Dark Forces application when you double-click it, don't worry. Open TRILOGY.GOB with ResEdit. Go to the first menu on the top of the desktop (next to the apple menu) and choose: GET INFO FOR TRILOGY.GOB On the screen that appears, change the TYPE to DATA and the CREATOR to dRFO (the letter O, not zero) That should do it! When the game will start, it will ask you to chose the starting mission: Please chose "SECBASE". The briefings and cutscenes will be from the original game, so ignore them. Be sure you read the story and mission briefings below, to know what your objectives are. MAC TROUBLE-SHOOTING: If it doesn't open the Dark Forces application when you double-click it, don't worry. Open TRILOGY.GOB with ResEdit and change the TYPE to DATA and the CREATOR to dRFO (the letter O, not zero) That should do it! PC This pack has to be modified to play on a PC. If you know how to do it, go ahead! 2-STORY You are a young X-Wing pilot with the rank of Flight Officer. You've been recently assigned to a Rebel base on the quiet planet of Candia. There is only one city on the planet, Agasbath. It is a Rebel city, whose existence has been carefully kept a secret from the Empire. Several Alliance operations are being planned from here. Also, it is the home of many retired Rebel Officials and families of Empire's most wanted Rebel heros. The security of these people is based mainly on secrecy, however a magnetic force shield also protects the city from direct invasion. The shield can be desactivated from only one place outside the city: the supporting Rebel Airbase (yours), hidden in the White Mountains, 250 miles north of Agasbath. X-Wing Red (your squadron) is serving as an escort for Transports and Shuttles currying supplies and personnel from and to Agasbath. On one of these missions something happened that would change your entire life... 3-Mission 1: CANDIA A cold summer night, you have escorted a Medical Shuttle to hyperspace in a routine mission and you are heading back to your base. You think of having a drink and a chat in the bar before going to bed. You try to inform your base of your approach when you first find out that communications are down. You ask your R2 to scan all communication channels. Seconds later the faithfull unit informs you of a coded message just left your base in a high-security channel. You hurry up. A few minutes later your X-Wing impatiently touches the ground of the Eastern Landing Area, where its hangar is. Nobody is around to help you move the X-Wing in its place. Now you're really worrying. You pull out your gun and get ready for everything. Then your R2 starts blipping like crazy. He has decoded the message. You freeze from horror as you find out its content: <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< OPERATION CANDIA IMPERIAL REPORT From IMPERIAL FORCES COMMANDER GATH MEGLAR To IMPERIAL FRIGATE "JULIUS CEASAR" GENERAL MARKUS VANDEERS Message follows: The bounty hunter information have proved precise. We have secured the Rebel base on Candia. Stormtroopers are searching every corner of the base for the Agasbath Code Key. Prepare to hyperspace in on our signal . >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The Agasbath Code Key! You try to think. The Code Key is changing every week and for security reasons it is hidden in a place that only the base Commander knows. "Maybe the Commander has escaped with the card already" you're thinking. Maybe... An entire city is depending on that. "Where in the world could they have hidden it?" you ask yourself. And then you remember something! One night in the bar, drinking with Commander Aldair, you asked him where he hides the Card Key. He had put down his glass, smiled, and said "Just look around you and you may find a clue". You thought that it didn't mean anything. Or did it? CANDIA OBJECTIVES -Find the Agasbath Code Key -Find a way (starship) to escape safely 4-Mission 2: WARLORD By finding the Agasbath Code Key you have saved many lifes. The city was soon afterwards evacuated by the Alliance. For your bravery you received the Corelian Cross. However, the entire personnel of your base was massacred. Three months after the destruction of your base on Candia, you still mourn the death of your friends. By a message your R2 unit intercepted during the invasion, the Alliance knows the man who organized the operation: General Markus Vandeers, one of Vader's best officers. But on the message there was also a mention of bounty-hunters, who had betrayed Agasbath and the Card existence in your airbase. Although the Alliance has made many efforts, they have not been able to find who were these ruthless bounty hunters. Now there is a chance. Oscar Menzal, most known as "Akira" was one of the most famous warlords in the galaxy. He became rich selling weapons and supporting local conflicts. He has been particularly useful to the Rebels, sneaking to them ammo and eqipment, well-paid of course. Menzal is no angel, but he has never betrayed the Alliance and has somehow damaged the Empire. Recently, his relations with the Rebels have been discovered and the Emperor wants him dead. Menzal is hiding in the city of Gorath, on the small moon of Delvin. He has offered to give a lot of information to the Alliance in return of protection for his family. You have been assigned to go to Delvin and find Oscar Menzal. Among other subjects, he has agreed to help you find the bounty hunters you want. The city of Gorath is rather dangerous and it is still in Imperial hands, although their forces are slowly pulling out. You will land outside the city and must find your way in. WARLORD OBJECTIVES -Infiltrate the City of Gorath -Find Oscar Menzal ABOUT THE PLANET OF DELVIN Delvin, a small moon in the Heraklion system, was once famous for its diamond mines. It was the reason for many wars, until the Empire stepped in and took completely over. An Imperial stronghold, it became worthless eight years ago, when the diamond mines were depleted. Ever since, the local civil wars and unease caused by the economic situation have kept the Empire on the run. Six months ago, the Imperials finally decided to abandon the planet. Although the pull-out has been going on for months, there is still considerable presence of the Empire on the planet, especially in the cities with spaceport, such as Gorath. 5-Mission 3: JUSTICE Menzal's bargain proved very profitable to the Alliance. He provided us with a list of Imperial routes, secret bases and relations. But more important for you, he has revealed the names of the two bounty hunters involved in Agasbath: The Iskath brothers. They got their name when they massacred the city of Iskath all by themselves, eight years ago. Although they pretend to be independent, It turned out that they work for General Vandeers. Using their connections they provide him with secret Rebel information. This co-operation has costed a lot to the Alliance. The Iskath brothers meet General Vandeers in a high-security Imperial base on a hostile and uninhabited planet. Menzal has been able to provide you with their next scheduled meeting. The Alliance is interested in all of them, but especially in General Vandeers, one of Empire's highest officials. Your mission will be to kidnap the General. You'll probably meet the Iskath brothers. It would be preferable if you could terminate them. However, your main objective is the capture of General Vandeers. You will land on the planet and you will first have to find the base and penetrate it. When we have confirmation that you're in, two X-Wings will take off from the Cruiser "Maria" and will make sure that the General's shuttle does not leave the base. As soon as you kidnap the General, use his Shuttle to escape the base. The X-Wings will escort you to the Cruiser "Maria". May the Force be with you. JUSTICE OBJECTIVES -Find and penetrate the Imperial base -Terminate the Iskath brothers -Capture General Vandeers 6-EPILOGUE Several months after that horrible night on Candia, you have finally avenged the death of your friends and many good people. The responsibles got what they deserved. And General Vandeers' capture was a great strike against the Imperial plans. During this story, you received the CORELIAN CROSS (for saving Agasbath) and got promoted to LIEUTENANT. But you've also become known to Darth Vader himself. but that is another story... Thank you for playing "TRILOGY". May the Force never leave you. 7-CREDITS Brad Oliver, creator of the Macintosh Dark Forces Level Editor (DFLE v.0.96). Find his latest version on his Dark Forces page at http://www.primenet.com/~bradman/darkforces.html Brad Oliver, also creator of the GOB Viewer (v.1.2.1) Find it in the same page Simon J. Brownlee, creator of GobIt! (v. 1.1b) Also found at the above Dark Forces site Gary Belisle "Keemosabi", designer of the fantastic X-Wings and AT-AT Walkers found in "TRILOGY" LUCAS ARTS creator of the best Macintosh games, Dark Forces and X-Wing. 8-LEGAL STUFF Dark Forces is a Copyright of LucasArts Entertainment Company. This add-on level is *NOT* a product of LucasArts. You may distribute this Level, provided it is FREE, and you include this file, with no modifications. No Guarantees. Authors may use this Level as a base to build additional levels, with the only obligation to include a contribution credit for the author in their text file.